The MailCham API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs
The MailCham API doesn't support export csv. we can give you data you need to implement your own function to export.
API Protocols
Our APIs follow the general principles of REST
1. We use standard
requests to communicate and HTTP response codes to show status and errors. - 2. You can expect all responses to be returned as JSON.
- 3. The API request should have a Content-Type of application/json.
- 4. All endpoints require authentication with your API Keys.
Retrieving your API Keys
Your API keys are very vital to making requests successfully to our servers. To get your keys follow the instruction
- 1. Log into your MailCham dashboard.
- 2. Click Api Key from sidebar.
- 3. Select the API Keys open in the Api Key section of the menu to view and copy your keys.
Authorizing API calls
All API calls on MailCham are authenticated. API requests made without authorization will fail with the status : failed.
To authorize API calls from your server, pass your YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
as a header of api request. This means passing an Authorization header with a value of PublicKey: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
and SecretKey: YOUR_SECRET_KEY